Bilingual Kids Club Manifesto


Kids Learn a Second Language by playing, reading, having interactions.

This service site will provide

  • world-wide access to resources for learning
  • Spanish as a second language AND
  • English as a second language (ESL)
  • specifically geared for young learners ages 4 to 10.

Our site offers

  • products: physical games, apps and eBooks (produced by us)
  • and links and recommendations to other sites or products that conforms with our philosophy and values.

Our editorialized content follow these guidelines:

  • – we spark the curiosity and love of learning languages
  • -we share each other’s cultures
  • – we balance social and independent learning
  • – we foster connection in a safe environment
  • – we promote well being and respect for all
  • – we represent cultural diversity
  • – we care about design and user’s experience
  • – think globally, act locally
  • – your privacy is protected.

How do we make money?

  • • This service is for people who hold these standards as high values. They will be happy to pay for the content we produce i. e. services and products delivered.
  • • The connectivity with other products and services that follow these philosophy (not sponsored) will be allies and partners in our growth.
  • * Scalable to other languages.

Why are we different?

  • • Content- content- content
  • • User experience

Looking for teammates, please contact me espanolforkids at mac dot com

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